Huntington Beach
Huntington Beach

The 30-foot rigid hull infl atable boat (RHIB) Huntington Beach, built by Silver Ships, has been custom designed and outfi tted uniquely for use as an offshore marine assist and tow vessel supporting operations at TowBoatU.S. Long Beach. To extend range, the client transitioned from more traditional fi berglass boats to the Silver Ships AM800 platform. The end result is a signifi cant increase in response range with a commensurate reduction in response time.
Powered by twin Mercury 300 HP SeaPro outboards, the RHIB is capable of speeds greater than 45 knots. Built with underwater seams that are continuously welded inside and outside and using 5086 H32 grade aluminum plates, with each bottom plate being a minimum ¼-inch thick, the AM800 vessel features an extended beam and full walk around cabin. According to Silver ships, it affords not only a safer platform to work from, but stores the capability to not only tow, jump start or drop fuel, but also perform salvage work with the on-board equipment. This equipment includes lift bags, air tanks and a gas-powered de-watering pump.
This workboat very recently helped save the lives of two mariners clinging to their submerged vessel 17 miles off the coast. “The AM800’s ability to complete the tasks of multiple boats has provided our customers’ company benefi ts beyond the scope of what they intended and the ability to engage in missions they did not expect to be executing,” said Dave Hunt, business development specialist at Silver Ships.